August is glorious in the Pacific Northwest! Many people enjoy travel and special events. It is hard to believe that Fall and Back to School and the season change is almost upon us. Typically, people get out of routines in the summer and try to get back into routines in the Fall. This includes health routines. At Rainier Medical, we find that many people gain some weight during the summer and would like to get back to their "Peak" before the holiday season comes around again. To that end, please find below our top ten questions about our programs if you are thinking about doing or restarting the program or know someone who is! Thank you for reading and please comment with any more questions! We would love to hear from you.
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Take Back Your Health
Experts in chronic medical weight management for preventing, managing and reversing health conditions.
We prescribe and manage chronic weight managment pharmacotherapy within a structured and comprehensive program for the best long term results.
We are a medical program, not just a prescription.
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